Guest Speaker Agreement | REI USA
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REI USA Guest Speaker Agreement

This Guest Speaker Agreement (the “Agreement’) is entered into as of the date of acceptance by signature or click through assent (the “Effective Date”) by and between REI USA dba South Atlanta REIA, LLC (“Company”), and the Guest Speaker named as follows:

Name of Guest Speaker (“Guest Speaker”):





Bullet Points (2-3):


1) Content:

Guest Speaker agrees to perform services (“Services”) to prepare and submit certain video, information, documents, audio or other materials (“Content”) for use in advertising Company products and services. Guest Speakers may include, within the Content, references and links to Guest Speaker’s Marks (as defined below), websites, social media pages and other Guest Speaker business information (“Guest Speaker’s Business Information’). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company has the unlimited right to reject any Content submitted to it by the Guest Speaker.

2) Submissions:

2.1 Guest Speaker agrees to i) submit unedited video footage Content to Company for evaluation; ii) deliver all Content to a Google Drive folder or to any other medium as may be specified by Company; and iii) deliver all Content within schedule restrictions specified by Company.

2.2 Guest Speaker may suggest ideas to Company with respect to Content creation, however, Company shall retain all final control and ownership over all video Content. Company may edit all Content submitted by Guest Speaker. Company may but is not obligated to post any Content on the Company YouTube channel or other venue in its sole discretion.

3) Company Equipment:

Company may, but is not obligated to, loan video and/or audio recording equipment (“Equipment”) to Guest Speaker for use in developing Content. Company shall retain ownership of all such Equipment, and Guest Speaker shall promptly return such Equipment to Company upon request, upon completion of Guest Speaker’s Services, or upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement.

4) Consideration:

Guest Speaker agrees that Company’s efforts in considering, reviewing, editing, and/or publishing the Content, as well as in providing public exposure of Guest Speaker’s Business Information are valuable consideration, and Guest Speaker shall not be entitled to any monetary or further compensation for providing the Services or submitting the Content. However Guest Speaker has the option to be compensated through an affiliate link for any referrals to REI-USA membership. Refer to the Affiliate Contract for compensation terms.

5) License Grants:

5.1 Guest Speaker hereby grants to Company permission to host Guest Speaker’s webinars by which are exclusively coordinated and advertised through REI-USA for an indefinite period of time or until Guest Speaker requests a 30day written notice for the webinars to be removed.

5.2 “Marks” shall refer to the trademarks, service marks, trade names, graphics, logos and other marks owned by either party. Guest Speaker hereby grants Company to use Guest Speaker’s Business Information (including without limitation Guest Speaker’s Marks) in connection exclusively with the advertisement and hosting of the Guest Speaker’s webinars through the REI-USA platform.

6) Warranties:

Guest Speaker represents and warrants to Company that: i) Guest Speaker has all the rights and authority to enter into this Agreement, and to grant the rights granted herein; ii) the Content does not infringe the rights of any third-party person or entity; and iii) no consent of any third-party person or entity is required for submission or release of the Content.

7) Indemnification:

Guest Speaker (the “Indemnifying Party”) shall indemnify Company and its affiliates, owners, officers, directors, shareholders, agents and employees (the “Indemnified Party”) from and against any and all losses, costs, damages, injuries, awards, judgments and liabilities, including but not limited to legal and professional fees, costs, and expenses (“Losses”), incurred by the Indemnified Party as a result of any claim, suit, proceeding or cause of action asserted against the Indemnified Party by a third party (“Claim”) and shall defend the Indemnified Party against any such Claims arising from: i) any copyright, patent and/or trademark infringement, unlawful disclosure or use or misappropriation of a trade secret or other intellectual property right owing to the Indemnified Party’s use of the Content; or ii) any material breach of this Agreement by the Indemnifying Party.

8) Limitation of Liability:


9) Term and Termination:

This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue unless terminated pursuant to its terms (the “Term’”). Either party may terminate this Agreement for convenience for any reason or no reason at any time upon written notice. Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 will survive an expiration or termination of this Agreement.

10) General

A) This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia, and the parties agree to personal jurisdiction and convenient forum therein. In no event shall Guest Speaker be entitled to enjoin or restrain the editing, marketing production, distribution, exhibition, promotion or advertising of the Content. Each party agrees to pay all reasonable costs that the other prevailing party incurs in successfully enforcing or defending this Agreement.

B) The parties agree that each is an independent contractor and the Agreement does not create any employment relationship between the parties for taxation or any other purpose.

C) If any provision of the Agreement is deemed unenforceable, such provision shall be severable and deemed null and void, and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The failure of either party to insist upon the performance of any provision herein will not be construed as a waiver of such provision.

D) This Agreement, together with any addenda, exhibits or other attachments, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties in relation to this engagement. Any modification of the Agreement shall be effective only if it refers to the Agreement, is in writing, and is signed by an authorized representative of both parties.

11) Promotion of Event

Promotion of webinars or meetings is absolutely critical to its success. Guest Speaker agrees to provide Company with appropriate materials for Company to use in promoting the above described event(s). Additionally, the Guest Speaker agrees to provide these materials in a digital format whenever possible. The Guest Speaker agrees to provide such materials in a timely fashion (not to exceed one week after execution of this agreement) and the Guest Speaker understands that the Company cannot promote any event until materials have been received from the Guest Speaker. Recommended promotional materials may consist of any articles written by the Guest Speaker (highly recommended), sample of flyers, brochures, mail-outs and display advertisement effectively used in the past at similar events, biographical information, a photo in digital format (can be emailed) and any other promotional materials the Guest Speaker feels may be appropriate/effective. Company agrees not to edit materials provided by the Guest Speaker without prior permission from the Guest Speaker, except to customize some details (dates/locations/names/topics), as necessary and appropriate for the upcoming event(s).

Upon receiving appropriate promotional materials from the Guest Speaker, promote the event to its members and the general public for a period of at least 60 days, but preferably 90 days (when possible), prior to the Event through various outlets as available, including but not limited to the association monthly newsletter, email, website, new releases, classified and/or display advertising and Direct Mail. Company agrees to everything that is reasonably within its power to engage in an active marketing plan to advertise the upcoming event(s) towards the goal of achieving the very highest attendance possible at the event(s).

12) Legal Fees:

The party who breaches any term or right provided within the writing of this contract shall pay the other party’s attorney fees, court costs and expenses that are borne for any pursuit to remedy such breach.

13) Force Majeure:

Neither the Company or the Guest Speaker shall be in default of the terms of this agreement because either part delays performance or fails to perform such terms, provided such delay or failure is not the result of either party’s intentional neglect or acts of omissions, but the result of causes beyond the reasonable controls of such party. Company shall not be liable for delay or failure in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement if such delay or failure is caused by conditions beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to, fire, flood, inclement weather, accident, earthquakes, telecommunications line failures, travel delays, electrical outages, network failures, acts of God, terrorism, civil commotion, pandemic or labor disputes

14) Entire Agreement:

This writing contains the full essence of the agreement between the parties hereto. There is no other representation or understandings, either verbal or written, between the parties, unless notated on this original agreement and initialed by both parties.

15) Binding Agreement:

This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and/or assigns.

16) Jurisdiction:

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia.

17) Video/Recording:

Guest Speaker grants to REI USA dba South Atlanta REIA, LLC, it’s representatives and employees the right to take photographs, video or audio of the Guest Speaker. The Guest Speaker authorizes REI USA dba South Atlanta REIA, LLC, to contact the Guest Speaker regarding related business by phone, fax, email, text message, chat programs, social networking, automated voice broadcast dialers or any other means necessary.

Experts and Teacher – Events, Meetings, Webinars

18) Selling Prohibited:

REI USA (Company) is committed to teaching members how to make smart real estate investing choices is our number one priority. Experts (Guest Speakers) should focus on sharing the knowledge they have instead of selling products. Guest Speakers are prohibited from selling during webinars or meeting events.

19) Zoom:

Guest Speaker will conduct recurring meetings or webinars with REI USA. This means a meeting or webinar will take place monthly, biweekly, bimonthly or weekly. Each Guest Speaker will obtain a Zoom link that will correspond to their particular meeting or webinar. REI USA has purchased a host license for each Guest Speaker and access to that link and password will be provided to sign in to host your event. We ask that you do not share this link with anyone other than REI USA members. If someone would like to join your webinar please ask them to become a member first and once they do they will obtain access to every event we offer. Please make sure you get access to your Zoom host account by contacting

20) Affiliate Links:

Every Expert, Teacher and Guest Speaker for REI USA will obtain an affiliate from REI USA. Please use this to promote membership to the community. You will get paid for bringing members to the community according to the affiliate program. This includes $40 for each member you recruit to be paid sixty days after member joins. Members must be a member for the sixty days. The affiliate link must be used to be eligible to obtain payment.

21) Coaching:

REI USA is not a coaching program. Each Expert Guest Speaker can create their own coaching program outside of REI USA. REI USA would like to receive an affiliate link or be notified directly by each Guest Speaker of which member is now a coaching student. REI USA requires a payment of $100 referral fee for every person that enrolls in Guest Speaker coaching or programs.

22) Super Groups Master Sheet:

Please make sure your event information is correct on this master sheet. Please email for any changes immediately.

23) Cancellation of Event:

Please email immediately for cancelations of webinars or meetings that are scheduled. We require at least 24 hours notice regarding meeting cancelations.

24) Lead Generation:

Lead generation is permitted during REI USA Guest Speaker Webinars or Meetings. Create a text number through a text messaging service provider to obtain personal information and collect data. Free promotions are permitted. (ie. Free Consultation or Free Template). This may be conducted by collecting attendee data for text or email marketing.

25) Members Portal:

All Experts, Teachers and Guest Speakers will have access to the members portal for REI USA. Guest Speakers are required to log in and fill out their profile. Every Expert will be labeled as on in the Members Directory. Guest Speaker’s must provide a headshot and bio to .

26) Properties for Sale:

Please list any properties you have for sale on the Properties For Sale section on the Members Portal. This will be available to all members and properties are posted on the main page as well publicly.

27) Meetings vs Webinars:

Each State Group (ie. Colorado, Texas, Indiana) will be a Meeting and every niche will be a webinar. Webinars will be niche topics like Wholesaling, Landlording, Rehabbing, etc. Webinars do not have access to members or break out sessions. They are strictly for teaching within your topic. Experts and Guest Speakers of state super groups are typically facilitators and will host break out sessions like speed networking or have other Guest Speakers speak on various topics.

28) Monthly Guest Speaker, Expert & Teacher Meeting:

The first Thursday of every month from 2pm to 3pm Eastern will be our monthly Teacher meeting for REI USA. This will be where we can discuss what is working and what isn’t and share ideas on growth not only for REI USA but for our members and how to help them succeed. Please schedule to be a part of this.

29) Other Guest Guest Speakers:

If you do plan on having a “Guest Guest Speaker” for your meeting or webinar, please let know so that we can send them a Guest Guest Speaker contract. This will allow us to host them and put their webinar on our member site for up to 90 days after. We will be hosting all webinars and meetings for at least 30 days to 90 days after each session and for Summits we will host those in the members portal for up to one year

Agreed and Accepted:

Guest Speaker Full Name ________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________

Title: _______________________________________________

REI USA dba South Atlanta REIA, LLC

Signature: ____________________________________

Date: ________________________________________

Title: _________________________________________